Dear readers of “The Spirit Journey“!
For several years I have been trying to bring you something special during the holidays. Last time I composed a short video on YouTube with illustrated Christmas greetings from Kajtek and Koko, and send to Na plasterki two Christmas cards: one from the frozen Yukon and the other from hot Australia (where Kajtek and Koko are currently retiring).
In the same spirit, two years ago, I celebrated Janusz’s birthday with episodes of “Star Wars” (pp. 148 – 159, chapter 1 Into the wild), and this year “How it all began” (pp. 251 – 269, chapter 2 A portal to the spirit world).
So what will it be this Christmas?
First, I’ll take you for a little nostalgic stroll, back to the days when the fans of Christa were waiting with anticipation for the special Holiday edition of “Wieczór Wybrzeża.”
It started in 1958, when on December 23, “Wieczór” printed a teaser for all fans of Janusz, inviting them to the “Christmas Evening with Christa”.
Ten years later in on the 23rd of December 1968, “Wieczór” had a brilliant idea of printing for the first time two strips of “W kosmosie”… same evening! This was a big deal then, and on top of it, the paper printed the headings in a different color, which made all of us for the first time imagine a world other than black and white (or grey, as my memory seems to be from those days).Consequently, next Christmas, “Wieczór” printed two strips again.
From then on, I started associating time of Christmas with Kajtki, to the point that now, 50 years later in my Spirit Journey, I specifically timed the storyline to have Kajtek and Koko celebrate their Christmas in the Yukon in real-time with yours and mine (almost to the day… well, almost).
This holiday season on Flipbook pages of The Spirit Journey!
I know, for some of you who were born into the comics world of today, those early celebrations of Christmas with Christa might seem small and insignificant in comparison to “Kajko i Kokosz: Złota kolekcja” (that many of you will surely find under your tree this year!) But I can assure you that we were as happy and excited then, celebrating “Evenings” with Christa, as you are today with the new Egmont’s collection!
With best wishes for the Holiday season and New Year,
Excerpt from my journal, Yandoit, Australia 2021