On holidays, 2023

As Australia is now open from lockdowns, we are going for the summer holidays. Padma and I are hitting the road and heading north to the Great Barrier Reef. From there, we plan to travel through the “Red Centre” south to Tasmania. We can put aside five months to complete this journey, and as we will be away from any internet connection sometimes, I won’t be posting my two weekly pages of The Spirit Journey during this “walk about.” 

But I want to assure you that Kajtek and Koko’s adventures will continue when we return home. The third chapter: A date with Destiny, is being colored now (probably the rest of it I’ll do on the road on my trusty iPad). Fourth episode: Forbidden Journey, promises to be an absolute ripper too! 

So, till I’m back (with new stories to tell), be patient,


PS. Also, before I forget! Kajtek, Koko, and Susie asked me to let you know that once in a while (as we get somewhere close to an ‘internet café’), they will send you a postcard from the road. With that in mind, here is the first one from Bondi Beach, Sydney, New South Wales. Enjoy!

And the second one, from Byron Bay (also from New South Wales):

This one is from Great Barrier Reef:

And here is one from Kimberley, Western Australia:

In May, we are at “The Red Center” of Australia and it’s majestic Uluru Mountain:

In June, we climbed Mt. Kosciuszko:

And finally, at the end of June and the beginning of July, we camped in wild Tasmania!

Now back at home and fully restored in body and spirit, we are ready to start the third chapter of our story!

Excerpt from my journal – on the road across Australia, 2023.