Trumpty Dumpty

Even though US politics aren’t exactly at the top of the news here in the Australian outback of Tasmania, I felt the need to speak out on an issue that I think is important to all of us. So this week, just before the Democratic Convention in Chicago, I put aside my daily work on The Spirit Journey to create the strip “Trumpty Dumpty”.

As I was collecting ideas (looking through old Christa drawings), I remembered how he, too, got caught up in the politics of his time. When Janusz began his “In Space” comic series in 1968, Solidarity was still in its incubation phase. But Christa was already creatively feeding his readers ideas with pen and ink. 1970 showed how prophetic his visions were to readers of “Wieczor Wybrzeża” (the Polish newspaper that published Christy’s strips) when the editors stopped the daily publication of the strips until the author “corrected” the plot to make it “politically correct.”

I believe that the voice of art is stronger than weapons! So in the spirit of Christa (and with the help of his wonderful drawings) I hope that “Trumpty Dumpty” gives a voice to Democracy and not to the tyrannical megalomaniacs of the world.

With sincere hope,


PS. And speaking of which, I’d like to remind you about the strip I created on the day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Yes, it’s all in Polish but you get the gist of it).

Excerpt from my journal, Tasmania, Australia, 2024.